California, Oregon, and Idaho have set their state maximum somatic cell count standards at 500,000 or less, well below than the national level of 750,000
I was sitting in the doctor’s office — something I did way too much these past couple months — reading a magazine. A story about preventing cancer caught my eye
What will dairy look like in the future? It was that question that spurred dairy consultant Jack Britt to collaborate with a team of experts to examine dairying in the future
A couple years ago, after we realized that the Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy) wasn’t going to offer us any meaningful protection, we created our own self-funded insura
This is the 25th year that the National Mastitis Council’s National Dairy Quality Awards program has been recognizing the very best milk quality producing herds in the United States
This homework may include you spending a little money on blood samples or feed samples, but spending a little money now before spending a lot of money later may actually save you money and time in the...